Tag Archives: Guatemala

Giant Maya Carvings Found in Guatemala

(National Geographic) Archaeologist Anya Shetler cleans an inscription below an ancient stucco frieze recently unearthed in the buried Maya city of Holmul in the Peten region of Guatemala. Sunlight from a tunnel entrance highlights the carved legs of a ruler… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , ,

New excavation reveals never before seen Mayan symbols and figures

A vast city built by the ancient Mayan civilisation and discovered nearly a century ago in modern day Guatemala is finally starting to yield its secrets – including a hint that apocalyptic predictions around the ‘end’ of the Mayan Calendar… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism Tags , , , , ,

World’s Largest Pyramid Discovered, Lost Mayan City Of Mirador, Guatemala


Category Archaeology, Videos Tags , ,