Tag Archives: artifacts

Galactic Resonance now on Tumblr

For the visually minded: http://galacticresonance.tumblr.com/

Category Art & Design, Esoterica, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , ,

UPDATE!!! – More footage of mysterious Central American artifacts

UPDATE on previous post.  The plot thickens as a new team of researchers, The Nahui Ollin Civil Foundation, comes forward discussing the strange artifacts being discovered in Central America.

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism, UFOs, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Paul Burley “The Sacred Sphere” – Upcoming Interview, March 20

Paul D. Burley is an engineer and environmental geologist who has researched world mythology, pictographic and architectural symbolism, and sacred landscapes expressing spiritual traditions around the world. His journey to understand the meaning of Native American medicine wheels led him… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Books & Podcasts, Shamanism, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , ,

Incredibly Mysterious Artifacts Revealed – Mayan? UFOs? Authentic?

A recent batch of astonishing archaeological artifacts from Central America has recently surfaced on Youtube and is causing quite the stir.  As of now, there still seems to be very little information available on the complete origin and authenticity of… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism, UFOs Tags , , , ,

Chachapoyas – Cloud People of Peru

A massive ruin offers fresh clues about the culture of Peru’s vanished Chachapoya, the “cloud warriors” who battled the Inca Empire more than 500 years ago. Best known for building mountainous cliff-side tombs and filling them with bundled mummies, the… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , , , ,

Klaus Dona: Hidden History and Ancient Artifacts

Klaus Dona hails from the art world and did a very successful exhibition about strange artifacts called “Unsolved Mysteries”. He is on a mission to bring to the eye of the public such finds as giant bones, crystal skulls, carvings… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , , , ,

Ancient STARGATE Artifacts Mayan 2012


Category Archaeology, UFOs, Videos Tags , , , ,

Resonance Mandalas of La Maná

In 1984 a large cache of over 300 artifacts was discovered by a small group of gold prospectors led by engineer Dr. Elias Sotomayor in a tunnel 300’ below ground in the jungle-covered mountains of La Maná, Ecuador. Accurate dating… Continue reading

Category Archaeology Tags , , , , , ,

Georgia Guidestones

The strangest monument in America looms over a barren knoll in northeastern Georgia. Five massive slabs of polished granite rise out of the earth in a star pattern. The rocks are each 16 feet tall, with four of them weighing… Continue reading

Category Archaeology, Esoterica Tags , , ,

Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient mechanical calculator (also described as the first “mechanical computer”) designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was discovered in the Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, in 1900. Subsequent… Continue reading

Category Archaeology, Videos Tags , ,