Photons Created Directly From the Vacuum

IMPORTANT EXPERIMENT with imapacts on zero point energy technology which support the theories of Nassim Haramein.

ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2011) — Scientists at Chalmers have succeeded in creating light from vacuum — observing an effect first predicted over 40 years ago. In an innovative experiment, the scientists have managed to capture some of the photons that are constantly appearing and disappearing in the vacuum.

The results have been published in the journal Nature.

The experiment is based on one of the most counterintuitive, yet, one of the most important principles in quantum mechanics: that vacuum is by no means empty nothingness. In fact, the vacuum is full of various particles that are continuously fluctuating in and out of existence. They appear, exist for a brief moment and then disappear again. Since their existence is so fleeting, they are usually referred to as virtual particles.


via Light created from a vacuum: Casimir effect observed in superconducting circuit.

Category Free Energy, Nassim Haramein, Physics Tags , , , , , , ,


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