Paul Burley “The Sacred Sphere” – Upcoming Interview, March 20

Paul D. Burley is an engineer and environmental geologist who has researched world mythology, pictographic and architectural symbolism, and sacred landscapes expressing spiritual traditions around the world. His journey to understand the meaning of Native American medicine wheels led him to study sacred symbolism exhibited by cultures over tens of thousands of years. His analysis of that symbolism has resulted in a new understanding of the sacred life ways of ancient and indigenous peoples. In 2003, author Paul D. Burley discovered a Native American Medicine wheel located in the Rocky mountains of Wyoming at an elevation of more then 10,00 feet. Researching prehistoric artifacts, ethnographic records, and cultural traditions and mythologies, he realized that the same circular and geometry is associated with all religions and indigenous life ways dating back to more then one million years.

Visit his website to learn about his new book, The Sacred Sphere, which explores modern, ancient, and indigenous traditions, demonstrating that cultures around the world, throughout time, communicated vital concepts with circular symbols each of which is a facet of a specific, yet until now, unrecognized universal spherical geometry.

Also, tune into Other World Radio on March 20, 2012 for a live interview.
Topic: We will discuss with Paul the specific combination of nine great circles, the geometric constructs, and the concepts of dimensions of space and time and the relationships between physical and metaphysical universes.

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Books & Podcasts, Shamanism, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , ,


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