The Science Delusion: dogma in contemporary science – Rupert Sheldrake

Sheldrake questions many of science’s basic ‘truths’, which are revealed, with splendid irony, to be either assumptions or, heaven forbid, beliefs. That the Universe began with a Big Bang has been orthodoxy since the 1960s, but it is actually a theory, and one that raises as many questions as it provides answers. Sheldrake does not dispute the theory but compares it to religious creation myths, all of which begin with an initial act of creation by God; the Big Bang theory is different only in that God has been removed from the story. One of the basic tenets of physics is the law of conservation of matter and energy, which asserts that neither can be created or destroyed: the amount of matter and energy in the Universe is always the same. Except of course, in the primal singularity of the Big Bang, when the Universe appeared from nothing, violating all of science’s laws. Sheldrake quotes Terence McKenna: “It’s almost as if science said, ‘Give me one free miracle, and from there the entire thing will proceed with a seamless, causal explanation.’”

Most physicists believe that only about four per cent of the mass and energy in the Universe is conventional; the remaining 96 per cent is made up of ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’, about which nothing is known. Gravitation should be slowing down the expansion of the Universe, but observations made in the mid-1990s showed that it is actually speeding up. The continued expansion of the Universe is now believed to be driven by dark energy, which is reckoned to account for 73 per cent of the Universe’s total mass-energy. In the current model, the amount of dark energy may be increasing, counteracting the gravitational pull that should make the Universe contract, driving its expansion in an apparently continuous process of creation. This should not be possible, but the conservation laws apply only to the four per cent of ‘standard’ matter and energy, not necessarily to the mysterious remaining 96 per cent. In the light of modern cosmology, asks Sheldrake, how can anyone possibly be sure that the total amount of matter and energy has always been the same? […]

Read More Fortean Times UK

Category Consciousness, Science Tags , , , ,

Every black hole contains a new universe | Fox News

Rather surprising to find a Fox News article talking about torsion fields and Universes nested within black holes.  Fans of Nassim Haramein will be happy to see this type of reporting in mainstream media.

(Fox News) Our universe may exist inside a black hole. This may sound strange, but it could actually be the best explanation of how the universe began, and what we observe today. It’s a theory that has been explored over the past few decades by a small group of physicists including myself.

Successful as it is, there are notable unsolved questions with the standard big bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a seemingly impossible “singularity,” an infinitely small point containing an infinitely high concentration of matter, expanding in size to what we observe today. The theory of inflation, a super-fast expansion of space proposed in recent decades, fills in many important details, such as why slight lumps in the concentration of matter in the early universe coalesced into large celestial bodies such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

But these theories leave major questions unresolved. For example: What started the big bang? What caused inflation to end? What is the source of the mysterious dark energy that is apparently causing the universe to speed up its expansion?

The idea that our universe is entirely contained within a black hole provides answers to these problems and many more. It eliminates the notion of physically impossible singularities in our universe. And it draws upon two central theories in physics […]

Read More: Fox News

Category Astronomy, Nassim Haramein, Physics Tags , , , ,

Hyperdimensional torsion field physics – Anular Eclipse

Geometric alignments — of ROTATING planetary/stellar objects — are crucial in creating scientifically observable changes in the underlying “torsion field Physics” … across the entire solar system … and, during solar eclipses, are capable of affecting a wide range of diverse phenomenon across this entire planet – ranging from altering actual “physical constants” … to altering “geophysical and meteorological phenomenon” … to dramatically affecting biology… and even “consciousness” itself.

In late June, 1954, Prize-winning “amateur” French physicist Maurice Allais, was managing a specially-designed series of “paraconical pendulum experiments” to explore inertial and gravitational phenomenon…

One afternoon, unknown to the technician on duty, at the time quietly conducting routine pendulum experiments in the vibration-free, underground, windowless laboratory that Allias had created for this specific scientific work … a partial solar eclipse took place over “the City of Light” — June 30, 1954…

Allais used the phrase “a brutal displacement” … to describe the “sudden, extraordinary backwards movement” of the pendulum his laboratory chief had seen (and carefully recorded!), even while not knowing its “mysterious” cause … until later that same afternoon.

Allais’ eventual (1999) explanation for his pendulum’s erratic eclipse motions was to propose that “empty” space, in fact, has some kind of underlying “structure”… or “strain” – a changing “anisotropy” (in other words, a changing “aether!”) – and, that during a geometric alignment of planetary bodies (the Sun and Moon, during an eclipse …) that underlying, constantly “changing spatial structure” is briefly, physically ALIGNED with the Sun, Moon and Earth…

full article: Enterprise Mission

Category Astronomy, Physics, Sacred Geometry Tags , , , , , ,

Excavations to restart at Neolithic site of Gobeklitepe

This year’s excavations will begin soon in Gobeklitepe, which is regarded as the world’s oldest temple and commonly named the “zero point of civilization.” This ancient temple is located in the eastern Turkish province of Sanliurfa.

Schmidt said there was a complicated motif of some 50 animal figures on the T-shaped pillar that was discovered in the previous season’s excavations. He said this was first of its kind, adding, “We see an eagle motif catching a snake on the same pillar, and it shows us that these figures tell us very developed stories. We will work with a team of foreign scientists and archaeologists in order to examine and solve the symbols on the artworks in Gobeklitepe. We are currently in the process of forming some international working groups to solve and understand this symbolic world. A working group will come to Sanliurfa in October and a small symposium will be held on this issue.”

via: The Archaeology News Network

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism Tags , , , ,

Last Call at the Oasis documenatary on water crisis

Developed, financed and executive produced by Participant Media, the company responsible for AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, FOOD, INC. and WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN”, LAST CALL AT THE OASIS presents a powerful argument for why the global water crisis will be the central issue facing our world this century.

Illuminating the vital role water plays in our lives, exposing the defects in the current system and depicting communities already struggling with its ill-effects, the film features activist Erin Brockovich and such distinguished experts as Peter Gleick, Alex Prud’homme, Jay Famiglietti and Robert Glennon.

Category Medicine, Science Tags , , ,

New excavation reveals never before seen Mayan symbols and figures

A vast city built by the ancient Mayan civilisation and discovered nearly a century ago in modern day Guatemala is finally starting to yield its secrets – including a hint that apocalyptic predictions around the ‘end’ of the Mayan Calendar may be wrong.

Excavating for the first time in the sprawling complex of Xultzn in Guatemala’s Peten region, archaeologists have uncovered a structure that contains what appears to be a work space for the town’s scribe.Its walls are adorned with unique paintings – one depicting a line-up of men in black uniforms, and hundreds of scrawled numbers – many calculations relating to the Mayan calendar, and stretching up to 7,000 years into the future.

via Mail Online.

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism Tags , , , , ,

Conversation with Brien Foerster – Peruvian elongated skulls & artifacts

Live conversation with Brien Foerster of about his investigations into pre-Inca cultures and the Sacred Valley of Peru, the many strange stone artifacts of Tiahuanaco, and the statues on Easter Island.  Brien is assistant director of the Paracas History Museum which has an extensive collection of different types of elongated skull identified as being evidence of the ancient Peruvian Paracas culture and is working closely with Lloyd Pie to establish the precise nature of these remains.

Download Interview

via: TNS Radio

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Books & Podcasts Tags , , , , ,

Numerically Controlled Sharpie Drawings

These lovely sharpie drawings are a collaboration between Matt W. More (previously) and aarn who turned Matt’s vector drawings into machine language and then fed the instructions to a 3-axis CNC machine wielding a black Sharpie marker that proceeded to draw the prints. Each print from the limited edition is signed and numbered and comes with the Sharpie used to make it. Available in the MWM Graphics Shop.

via Colossal

Category Art & Design, Sacred Geometry Tags , , ,

Scientists Stumped By Sun’s Asymmetrically Reversing Magnetic Field

The Sun’s magnetic field is reversing, South becoming North, as it does approximately every 11 years on a cycle, but this time, something even stranger is going on: The North is moving much faster than the South, and space scientists aren’t sure why.

“Right now, there’s an imbalance between the north and the south poles,” Jonathan Cirtain, NASA’s project scientist for a Japanese solar mission called Hinode, in a recent article on NASA’s website. “The north is already in transition, well ahead of the south pole, and we don’t understand why.”

Further, the asymmetrically reversing solar magnetic field could have an effect on Earth, resulting in increased solar flares and the accompanying bursts of radioactive particles called “coronal mass ejections,” or CMEs, that can hit Earth and cause brilliant Northern Lights displays and problematic geomagnetic solar storms, according to NASA scientists.

“This usually leads to a double peak in the sunspot number and CME rate as a function of time,” Nat Gopalswamy, a solar scientist NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., in an email to TPM […]


Category Astronomy, Science Tags , , , , , ,

Galactic Resonance now on Tumblr

For the visually minded:

Category Art & Design, Esoterica, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , ,

Biophotons – Dr. Fritz Albert Popp: DNA, Cells, Health & Resonance

Recommended is this informative article titled Are Humans Really Beings of Light?  A great primer to the research of Dr. Fritz Albert Popp discussing the nature of biophotonic emissions, cellular health and DNA.

Upon digging around a bit further I stumbled on this video which sums up the contents of the article quite nicely based on research material presented in The Field by Lynne McTaggart – see previous posts for her audiobook and an interview.

Category Medicine, Science, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Russia Stunned After Japanese Rescue Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Ministry on the planned re-opening of talks with Japan over the disputed Kuril Islands during the next fortnight states that Russian diplomats were “stunned” after being told by their Japanese counterparts that upwards of 40 million of their peoples were in “extreme danger” of life threatening radiation poisoning and could very well likely be faced with forced evacuations away from their countries eastern most located cities… including the world’s largest one, Tokyo.

The Kuril Islands are located in Russia’s Sakhalin Oblast region and stretch approximately 1,300 km 810 miles northeast from Hokkaidō, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia, separating the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific Ocean. There are 56 islands and many more minor rocks. It consists of Greater Kuril Ridge and Lesser Kuril Ridge, all of which were captured by Soviet Forces in the closing days of World War II from the Japanese.

The “extreme danger” facing tens of millions of the Japanese peoples is the result of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster that was a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns, and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, following the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011.

According to this report, Japanese diplomats have signaled to their Russian counterparts that the returning of the Kuril Islands to Japan is “critical” as they have no other place to resettle so many people that would, in essence, become the largest migration of human beings since the 1930’s when Soviet leader Stalin forced tens of millions to resettle Russia’s far eastern regions […]


Category Science Tags , , , , ,