
Psychoacoustic Journey Through the Indigenous Americas – Alexander Putney

A psychoacoustic journey into the sacred sites, pyramids and mandalas of North Americas ancient Nahuatl cultures. The melancholy flute and water drum lead spirit back to its pristine origin, renewing our awareness of the resonant messages embedded in the rocks so long ago.

Alexander Putney •

Category Shamanism, Videos Tags , , , , , ,

Heart & Mind Festival NYC – Nov. 17th

The Heart & Mind 2012 Festival is a unique platform for cross-cultural dialogue that moves beyond conventional approaches to seek practical solutions for the good of the global community.  This festival is not an event – it’s a movement dedicated to the creation of a new vision for the way humanity relates to one another and the world in which we live.

The Heart & Mind 2012 Festival is a place where science and religion, philosophy and art, indigenous shamanic traditions and modern cultures come together.  We are now in the process of tremendous change both internally and externally. The Maya refer to this auspicious shift as the beginning of the fifth sun.  At this time, our collective consciousness is beginning to awaken and move into a higher awareness Let’s take advantage of this momentum and gather to embrace the definitive shifts of 2012 an dream the new vision together.

Category Consciousness, Shamanism Tags , , , , , , ,

Michael Jeffreys “You are the Timeless experiencing time”

Everything is a temporary appearance/manifestation in Awareness, including a body, thoughts, sensations, feelings, emotions, sounds, physical objects, colors, etc. So, you don’t “have a body”, rather, you experience one. You don’t “have a thought,” rather, you experience one.

All experiences are fleeting… YOU are not. Why? Because you are the only thing that is not an experience. You simply ARE (timeless), regardless of the comings and goings of all experiences (which require time). Regardless if the experience is desirable or undesirable, it never touches what you have always been and cannot help BEing… that which was never born.

The trouble comes when we mistake a temporary appearance/manifestation/arising for “US.” It is not possible for you to actually be any appearance, but it can appear so if you IDENTIFY with the appearance. As your “identification” with appearances is what gives them life, i.e., makes them real.

Splashing water (thoughts) can temporarily obscure “self” from recognizing SELF, but not forever. Eventually the agitation begins to settle, the muddy waters calm down and begin to still revealing clarity, or glimpses are seen/sensed/intuited and the “self” begins to awaken to its true nature… that which was never born and so remains, as always, ever unaffected.

Nothing can harm you. Nothing can touch you. Nothing can know you. Nothing can be you. Nothing… Nothing… Nothing.

Category Consciousness, Quotes Tags ,

Starcut Diagram – “Patterns of Eternity” Malcolm Stewart

Malcolm Stewart has discovered a remarkable geometrical device. At first glance, the “starcut diagram,” as he calls it, is a simple way of dividing the area of a square. After extensive research, however, he found that it has extraordinary mathematical properties, suggesting that it may be no less than the source of the number system used when ancient humanity first built cities. He shows that the starcut diagram underlies many significant patterns and proportions across the world: in China, the shaman’s dance; in Egypt, the Great Pyramid; in Europe, a Raphael fresco; in Asia, the Vedic Fire Altar, and many others.

This book is an intellectual adventure, written for a general reader without technical knowledge. Illustrated with about 180 photographs, drawings, and diagrams, it tells the story of many fresh discoveries, bringing sacred geometry to life in an original and inspiring way.

Category Art & Design, Books & Podcasts, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Graham Hancock – Quest for the Lost Civilization

In this set of three videotapes, writer Graham Hancock traverses the world and explains his controversial theory that an ancient civilization, highly intelligent people who sailed the planet as early as 10,500 B.C., spread advanced astronomical knowledge and built ancient observatories.

Skeptics may scoff, but Hancock earnestly points out similarities in giant stone structures in the Egyptian desert and Cambodian jungles, and on Easter Island and in Micronesia, he points out what he considers evidence of an ancient society of seafarers. His ideas may seem utterly bizarre at first, but Hancock presents them in an understated and good-natured manner, and he also makes clever use of computer graphics and aerial photography to illustrate the startling similarities in ancient structures found from the North Atlantic to the South Pacific.

Category Archaeology, Videos Tags , , , , , ,

Fundamentals of Cosmometry: 6 week virtual course Oct. 9th

Cosmometry is an emerging field of knowledge and application that is the synthesis of millennia of observation, study, theory and direct experience – scientifically and metaphysically – of the fundamental patterns, structures, processes and principles of universal creation. Be it through physics, music, bio-energetics, visionary art, shamanic journeys… a unified understanding of cosmic coherence is arising in consciousness at a new level of integration and wholeness.  ~ Marshall Lefferts, November 2011

Fundamentals of Cosmometry will be explored in six 90-minute sessions.

Topics will include:
WEEK 1: Foundational Concepts: The Holographic Whole
WEEK 2: Starting from Zero: Understanding the Unified Field of infinite energetic and creative potential from which all things arise
WEEK 3: Structural Cosmometry: Exploring the “Tensional Integrity” of manifestation
WEEK 4: Flow Process: The Torus as Fundamental Dynamic System
WEEK 5: Field Patterning: Radials, Waves and Spirals
WEEK 6: Bringing It All Together, the Human Experience, and Applications

Category Art & Design, Consciousness, Nassim Haramein, Physics, Sacred Geometry Tags , , , , , ,

Ancient Egyptian Technology & Advanced Engineering

Join David Hatcher Childress in Egypt where he meets up with British engineer Christopher Dunn. Together they explore the Giza area, going to ancient pyramid sites, underground catacombs and megalithic quarries not usually visited by tourists. Here they examine saw marks, advanced lifting and moving techniques found at the Giza Plateau, Abu Rawash, Abu Garab, and the underground catacombs of the Serapeum and other areas. Finally Dunn explains his theory of the Giza Power Plant and his view that the pyramids at Giza were originally part of a plan to “drive the earth into harmony.” A mind-blowing look at solid evidence for extraordinary ancient technology.

Category Archaeology, Science, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Underwater ‘crop circles’ created by Japanese puffer fish

(thisiscolossal) … Using underwater cameras the team discovered the artist is a small puffer fish only a few inches in length that swims tirelessly through the day and night to create these vast organic sculptures using the gesture of a single fin. Through careful observation the team found the circles serve a variety of crucial ecological functions, the most important of which is to attract mates. Apparently the female fish are attracted to the hills and valleys within the sand and traverse them carefully to discover the male fish where the pair eventually lay eggs at the circle’s center, the grooves later acting as a natural buffer to ocean currents that protect the delicate offspring. Scientists also learned that the more ridges contained within the sculpture resulted in a much greater likelihood of the fish pairing […]

Category Art & Design, Crop Circles, Science Tags , , ,

NASA working on faster-than-light warp drive

A top NASA boffin has outlined ongoing lab experiments at the space agency aimed at first steps towards the building of a warp-drive spacecraft theoretically capable of travelling at 10 times the speed of light.

The latest developments at the Eagleworks super-advanced space drive lab at NASA’s Johnson Space Center were outlined by NASA physicist Harold White at a conference on Friday. The Eagleworks lab was set up at the end of last year to look into such concepts as the Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thruster and also so-called “warp drives” along the lines proposed by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre in the 1990s.

Quantum thrusters are fiendish kit indeed, but would be mainly of use for explorations within our own solar system. As most Reg readers are well aware, however, this is a rather limited canvas for humanity to work on for eternity: especially as it seems likely that there may be some rather more hospitable alien worlds to be found orbiting other suns.

The big snag with worlds orbiting other suns is of course that they are utterly, ridiculously far away and according to the laws of physics nothing can travel faster than the speed of light: meaning that journeys even to a few of the nearest stars would take years at the absolute minimum, and in general interstellar voyages would simply not be on human timescales.

Thus much classic scientifiction has assumed the development of warp drive, hyperdrive, stargates etc – some means of getting to other stars faster than light could. Alcubierre’s calculations over a decade ago appeared to show that such a thing was at least theoretically feasible: using a ring of exotic matter, a bubble of unwarped, flat space with a starship in it would be transported through normal space at effective speeds perhaps 10 times lightspeed by warping the space around it. Nothing would actually travel through any space faster than light, and the laws of physics would be unviolated […]

From The Register

Category Military and Govt. Ops, Physics, Science Tags , , , , , ,

“Jeu” Georges Schwizgebel – 1977

Georges Schwizgebel, born in 1944 in Reconvillier in the Bernese Jura. Paradoxically, it is the influence of his parents which, at the age of 15, leads him to start training in painting at the School of Fine Arts. He meets Daniel Suter at the School for Decorative Arts. They soon dream of producing cartoons in their future studio – GDS. Both are employed in an advertising

In 1970, an order for an animated part for two documentaries leads to the three apprentice animators turning self-employed. The team starts to produce credits for French speaking Swiss television. Le vol d’Icare earns Schwizgebel a study prize of sufficient importance to enable him to produce Hors-jeu. His career as an independent film maker takes off.

Category Art & Design, Videos Tags , , , ,

Scientists Working With Acoustic Levitation

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have discovered a way to use sound waves to levitate individual droplets of solutions containing different pharmaceuticals. While the connection between levitation and drug development may not be immediately apparent, a special relationship emerges at the molecular level.

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Category Chemistry, Physics, Videos Tags ,

Freddy Silva: Secrets in the Fields – Crop Circle Phenomena

For over fifteen centuries the mysterious crop circles have been mentioned in academic and religious texts. In the 1890s farmers and military personnel witnessed them being created in seconds by tubes of light and other luminosities.

But around 1980 the phenomenon went into overdrive and exploded worldwide, with some 10,000 reports spread over 29 countries. A major controversy erupted followed by a pre-designed debunking campaign through the media. But the 80 eyewitness accounts clearly tell another story.

This book by veteran researcher and international best-selling author Freddy Silva is the most comprehensive account of the mystery ever published, much of it from personal and hands-on experience.

Written at enormous personal sacrifice, Silva brings you the complete history of the phenomenon, the anomalies that defy the present boundaries of science, and the deliberate official efforts to discredit it and manipulate the public’s opinion.

Copiously illustrated with over 400 images and diagrams, he delves into the hard evidence and describes how the designs may be created by sound, plasma and the manipulation of local magnetic fields. He dissects their sacred geometry, their known meanings, hidden messages, connections with ancient symbols, and how they are energetically linked to ancient sacred sites such as Stonehenge and the Giza pyramids.

Visit Invisible Temple

Category Books & Podcasts, Crop Circles, Sacred Geometry Tags , , ,