
Shungite – Mystery Stone

Shungite is  a Precambrian rock, a metamorphosed coal, which is a transition phase from the anthracite to the graphite. Its color is black.

Shungite is unique. The deposits of it have only been discovered Karelia, Russia. It is the only rock in the world that contains fullerenes – a newly discovered form of the existence of carbon in the form of spherical ions. When interacting with water Shungite releases curative complexes of fullerenes into water. These complexes help heal skin diseases, wounds, burns, cure allergies, diabetes, stomatitis, parodontosis, hair loss, cosmetic defects, etc…

The importance of the fullerenes discovery were made known when the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Robert F. Curl Jr., Professor Sir Harold W. Kroto and Professor Richard E. Smalley for the discovery of fullerenes.

For 300 years many generations of Russians have been treated by Shungite water, unaware of the fullerenes and fullerites that were discovered only recently. Treatment of many diseases by these waters, absent of any harmful effects or limitations affirm that the use of Shungite in filters for drinking water and as part of different medicines is absolutely harmless and maximally beneficial. Such conclusion has been made by researchers and confirmed by the authoritative opinions of the representatives of the Saint-Petersburg Military Medical Academy where the curative properties of all the Shungite products and medicines have been carefully tested and studied.

The study of the effect of Shungite on electromagnetic fields showed that it can be used as a certain protection against the harmful fields of cell phones, TV-sets, monitors and the so-called geopathogenic zones.

Category Chemistry, Medicine Tags , , , ,

First Demonstration of Time Cloaking

Invisibility cloaks are the result of physicists’ newfound ability to distort electromagnetic fields in extreme ways. The idea is steer light around a volume of space so that anything inside this region is essentially invisible.

The effect has generated huge interest. The first invisibility cloaks worked only at microwave frequencies but in only a few years, physicists have found ways to create cloaks that work for visible light, for sound and for ocean waves. They’ve even designed illusion cloaks that can make one object look like another.

Today, Moti Fridman and buddies, at Cornell University in Ithaca, go a step further. These guys have designed and built a cloak that hides events in time.

Time cloaking is possible because of a kind of duality between space and time in electromagnetic theory. In particular, the diffraction of a beam of light in space is mathematically equivalent to the temporal propagation of light through a dispersive medium. In other words, diffraction and dispersion are symmetric in spacetime.

That immediately leads to an interesting idea. Just as its easy to make a lens that focuses light in space using diffraction, so it is possible to use dispersion to make a lens that focuses in time.

from: Technology Review

Category Physics Tags , ,

Khalil Gibran

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.

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Armenian Stonehenge – 7,500 years old

Armenian Stonehenge – 7,500 years old (4,500 years older than British Stonehenge)

This Prehistoric Monument consisting of hundreds of Standing Stones on a territorial area of approximately 7 hectares.  Many of these stones have smooth angled holes of 4 to 5cm in diameter, the angles of the holes being directed at different points on the horizon and outer space. The age of Carahunge has been estimated to be 7500 years or older. This was accurately ascertained by taking readings of the motion of the Sun, Moon and stars, using four independent astronomical methods based on the laws of the changes of the Earth’s axis precession and incline.

Category Archaeology Tags , ,

Pope Charged With Crimes Against Humanity In World Court – 2/24/11

Criminal charges were filed against Pope Benedict XVI at the International World Court last week by two lawyers from the Pope’s home state of Bavaria. The charges, which allege crimes against humanity, were submitted by Christian Sailer and Gert-Joachim Hetzel of Marktheidenfeld to Dr Luis Moreno Ocampo, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court at the Hague. The 16,500-word indictment alleges “three worldwide crimes which until now have not been denounced … (as) the traditional reverence toward ‘ecclesiastical authority’ has clouded the sense of right and wrong”.
Calls for the Pope to be tried for crimes against humanity have been issued many times before. Only last April, Geoffrey Robinson, a United Nations jurist from the UK, called for an international criminal investigation of Benedict by the UN World Criminal Court over the cover-up of crimes by pedophile priests, but nothing came of it. That may not be the case this time because once charges are filed, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court must investigate them.

from: Examiner

Category Uncategorized Tags , , ,

Tesla Laboratory

Tesla Laboratory

Category Free Energy, Physics Tags , ,


Nothing in nature is by chance… Something appears to be chance only because of our lack of knowledge.

Category Quotes, Uncategorized Tags ,

Secrets In Plain Sight – Art, Architecture & Urban Design

Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco brings to light a secret obsession shared by pharaohs, philosophers and kings; templars and freemasons; great artists and architects; popes and presidents, spanning the whole of recorded history up to the present time.

As the series of videos reveals how profound ancient knowledge inherited from Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement, in famous works of art, in the design of major buildings, in the layout of city streets and public spaces, and in the precise placement of obelisks and other important monuments upon the Earth, the viewer is led to perceive an elegant harmonic system linking the human body with the architectural, urban, planetary, solar, and galactic scales.

Category Archaeology, Esoterica, Sacred Geometry, Videos Tags , , , , , ,

David Zindell

He tried to explain that the great changes rippling through his being had little to do with mysticism, in the sense of being magical or mystifying. “Truly, it is just pure technology, yes? This is what technology is: just consciousness reflected upon itself, gaining ever more control of itself and creating new forms.

Category Quotes Tags

1976 Tehran UFO incident

The 1976 Tehran UFO Incident was a radar and visual sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) over Tehran, the capital of Iran, during the early morning hours of 19 September 1976. The incident is particularly notable for the electromagnetic interference effects observed upon aircraft coming within close proximity to the object: two F-4 Phantom II jet interceptors independently lost instrumentation and communications as they approached, only to have them restored upon withdrawal; one of the aircraft suffered temporary weapons systems failure, while preparing to open fire.

The incident, extensively recorded in a four-page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report distributed to at least the White House, Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), remains one of the most well-documented military encounters with anomalous phenomena in history, and various senior Iranian military officers directly involved with the events have gone on public record stating their belief that the object was not of terrestrial origin.

from: Wikipedia

Category Military and Govt. Ops, UFOs, Videos Tags ,

Sean Kane

…the knowledge of pattern is the beginning of every practical wisdom

Category Quotes Tags

The Mystery of Chaco Canyon

THE MYSTERY OF CHACO CANYON examines the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. It is the summation of 20 years of research. The film reveals that between 850 and 1150 AD, the Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon. Pueblo Indians, descendants of the Chacoan people, regard Chaco as a place where their ancestors lived in a sacred past. Pueblo leaders speak of the significance of Chaco to the Pueblo world today.

The film challenges the notion that Chaco Canyon was primarily a trade and redistribution center. Rather it argues that it was a center of astronomy and cosmology and that a primary purpose for the construction of the elaborate Chacoan buildings and certain roads was to express astronomical interests and to be integral parts of a celestial patterning.

While the Chacoans left no written text to help us to understand their culture, their thoughts are preserved in the language of their architecture, roads and light markings. Landscape, directions, sun and moon, and movement of shadow and light were the materials used by the Chacoan architects and builders to express their knowledge of an order in the universe.

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Videos Tags , ,