
The Acropolis: Available for Rent

In a move bound to leave many Greeks and scholars aghast, Greece’s culture ministry said Tuesday it will open up some of the debt-stricken country’s most-cherished archaeological sites to advertising firms and other ventures.

The ministry says the move is a common-sense way of helping “facilitate” access to the country’s ancient Greek ruins, and money generated would fund the upkeep and monitoring of sites. The first site to be opened would be the Acropolis.

Archaeologists, however, have for decades slammed such an initiative as sacrilege. The culture ministry said any renting of ancient Greek sites would be subject to strict conditions.

According to a ministerial briefing dating from the end of December, a commercial firm could rent the Acropolis for a professional photographic shoot for as little as 1,600 euros a day ($2,046). Demonstrators could also rent the ancient landmark.

from: Google / AP

Category Archaeology Tags , ,

Strange Sounds Heard Worldwide

Lots of strange sounds being reported all over the world in recent months, especially in January 2012.  There is clear evidence of bizarre sounds prior to the US earthquakes in 2011. What is causing these reports?

Category Physics, Videos Tags ,

Young Boy Reincarnated – FOX News

Bruce and Andrea Leininger on the incredible true story of their son, James, as told in the NY Times bestselling book SOUL SURVIVOR: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot.

Category Consciousness Tags , , ,

Clean Energy – NASA Admits LENR (Cold Fusion) is a Game Changer

NASA’s Technology Gateway has posted a two-minute video that summarizes the emerging LENR field and the hope it brings for a world of clean, affordable energy. The overview features senior research scientist at NASA Langley, Joseph Zawodny describing a near future of home power devices.

Dr. Zawodny: “It has the demonstrated ability to produce excess amounts of energy, cleanly, without hazardous ionizing radiation, without producing nasty waste.”

Narrator: “This clean form of energy is also power, able to support everything from transportation systems to infrastructure.”

Dr. Zawodny: “The easiest implementation of this would be for the home. You would have a unit that would replace your water heater. And you would have some sort of cycle to derive electrical energy from that. And then it would dump its waste heat into the water or air handing system for the building. So it would be a dual use thing. It would be sitting there producing heat; [and] you’d drive electricity from it to run your electronics, power the house, power the building, power the lights. And then the waste heat would be used for environmental control [e.g. heat pump / air conditioning] and warm water.”

from: Pure Energy Systems News

Category Free Energy, Physics, Science, Videos Tags , , ,

Ghulam Rasool Santosh – Art Gallery

“Painting to me is like poetry – timeless and universal.”

In his early years, Santosh was greatly influenced by geometric shapes and the mysticism of the Kashmir valley.

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Category Art & Design, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism Tags , , , , ,

North Pole Inner Earth Expedition 2012 – Brooks Agnew

Red Ice Radio – Brooks A. Agnew grew up in Pasadena, California. He entered the Air Force in 1973, where he graduated top in his class in electronics engineering. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry, a Masters Degree in Statistics, and a PhD in Physics. He is a six-time Amazon Best Selling author and internationally renowned lecturer on exploration of the Earth and the Physics of the Soul. Brooks is a widely published theoretical physicist in the field of radio spectroscopy and a multi-patented engineer. Brooks is also the expedition leader of the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition in 2012 testing the hypothesis that planets form as hollow spheres, which we’ll discuss in this interview. He’ll tell us about his up and coming expedition and what he thinks might be discovered. We’ll also explore various mythologies and legends about the inner Earth. Later, Brooks discusses our changing consciousness and how Earth responds to it.

North Pole Inner Earth Expedition 2012 website

Category Physics, Science, Videos Tags , , , ,

Kalachakra Mandala in 3D

The mandala is a visual depiction of the Kalachakra Tantra – one of the most advanced and complex teachings of Buddhism. Kalachakra is the name of the primary deity who resides in the Kalachakra mandala.  On the mandala, he is represented by a blue vajra.

Category Sacred Geometry, Symbolism Tags , , , ,

Kallawaya Medicine Men of Bolivia

The Kallawaya are medicine men of the high Andes in Bolivia. They were considered the sacred healers of the Incas and are said to know over 600 plants and herbs. Today they continue their practice of ceremonial healing in the Bolivian high Andes near Lake Titicaca.

A documentary film crew (as portrayed in “Andean Healers, Secrets of the Kallawaya” directed by Thomas Wartmann) followed one such journey, as a Kallaway doctor traveled with his apprentice from deep inside the Kallawaya heartland to the highlands of Peru. Their destination was Machu Picchu. Their objective: to deliver one single medicinal plant to a friend.

As they travel, the Kallawaya collect botanical and spritual remedies, making their way through extreme latitudes, expanding their understanding of the universe. Over the centuries, their knowledge has exceeded the confines of what is known as medicine and reached a deeper, more powerful level.

Category Anthropology, Shamanism, Videos Tags , , ,

Colin Andrews – Military Helicopters Intercept Orb (1994 Incident)

About Colin Andrews:

Colin Andrews is a well-known researcher and author and is widely acknowledged as the world expert on the crop circle phenomenon. He is the founder of Circles Phenomenon Research International, the first organization established specifically to investigate the crop circle phenomenon. His scientific investigations are responsible for much of the current information available on the subject.

Andrews is an electrical engineer by profession and a former senior officer in British regional Government. For three years Colin advised the British Government on the crop circle phenomenon, supplying technical and scientific reports to the Under-Secretary of State for the environment (Rt. Hon. Nicholas Ridely, M.P.) in the Margaret Thatcher cabinet. As a result of his persistence, the subject was raised in the House of Commons.

Andrew’s supervised the largest surveillance project of its kind during 1990, called ‘Operation Blackbird’. It was an effort to film a crop circle forming, backed and supported by the British Army, B.B.C. and Nippon television and was watched closely by the international media.

Colin Andrews became involved in the circle mystery during 1983 when he saw an arrangement of five circles in a wheat field near Winchester, England. Intrigued by the engineering aspects of creating the circles he began investigations with Pat Delgado, a retired NASA engineer and Busty Taylor a light aircraft pilot. In 1989, Pat and Colin co-authored ‘Circular Evidence’, the first book written on the subject, which became an international best seller and was chosen by Queen Elizabeth for her prestigious ‘Summer Reading Listing’. It was the first time a book of this kind had ever been chosen by the monarchy for this listing.

Category Crop Circles, Military and Govt. Ops, UFOs, Videos Tags , , ,

Chachapoyas – Cloud People of Peru

A massive ruin offers fresh clues about the culture of Peru’s vanished Chachapoya, the “cloud warriors” who battled the Inca Empire more than 500 years ago. Best known for building mountainous cliff-side tombs and filling them with bundled mummies, the Chachapoya (cha-cha-POY-ah) were once rulers of the northern Andes. Aside from cliff tombs and stone houses, they have left archaeologists few large ruins to study.

USA Today (2007)

Category Anthropology, Archaeology Tags , , , ,

Stockholm techies use water to charge mobile phones

A Swedish company headquartered in Stockholm has figured out how to power smartphones using a system that includes some water, a tray, a little round container, and an eyeglass case styled cover. The company, myFC, is introducing its PowerTrekk system to Americans at the CES show in Vegas. PowerTrekk describes its charger as a pocket size, lightweight gizmo for users “who spend time away from the electricity grid.” Translation: If you are hiking over the weekend with no Starbucks or friend’s flat in sight, your phone can still get charged.

The hockey puck like container called the Powerpukk has sodium silicide which produces hydrogen gas when combined with water. Then there is a tray with a little opening where you pour in water, about a tablespoon. Sodium silicide is a specially developed chemical from SiGNa Chemistry. When mixed with water to release hydrogen gas, it is a key element of this system.

Category Chemistry, Physics, Science Tags , , , ,

Mixed Art Collection – Volume 01

A collection of various artworks from the internet – Volume 01.
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Category Art & Design Tags , , , ,