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Category Astronomy Tags , ,

Russian Drill Penetrates 14-Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake

Russian news agency Ria Novosti has reported that the team penetrated Lake Vostok on Feb. 5, 2012. According to the report, the researchers stopped drilling at a depth of 3,768 meters as they reached the surface of the sub-glacial lake.

After 20 years of drilling, a team of Russian researchers is close to breaching the prehistoric Lake Vostok, which has been trapped deep beneath Antarctica for the last 14 million years.  Vostok is the largest in a sub-glacial web of more than 200 lakes that are hidden 4 kilometers beneath the ice. Some of the lakes formed when the continent was much warmer and still connected to Australia.

The lakes are rich in oxygen (making them oligotrophic), with levels of the element some 50 times higher than what would be found in your typical freshwater lake. The high gas concentration is thought to be because of the enormous weight and pressure of the continental ice cap.

If life exists in Vostok, it will have to be an extremophile — a life form that has adapted to survive in extreme environments. The organism would have to withstand high pressure, constant cold, low nutrient input, high oxygen concentration and an absence of sunlight.

The conditions in Lake Vostok are thought to be similar to the conditions on Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s tiny moon Enceladus. In June, NASA probe Cassini found the best evidence yet for a massive saltwater reservoir beneath the icy surface of Enceladus. This all means that finding life in the inhospitable depths of Vostok would strengthen the case for life in the outer solar system […]


Category Science Tags , , , ,

Exotic Energy – Bosnian Pyramid Research

The original title of presentation is: “Exotic Energy of Pyramids” by Davor Jadrijevic (Croatia) — independent researcher, recent member of SB Research Group (SBRG). Lecture given at ICBP2011 conference about Bosnian Pyramids.

Category Archaeology, Free Energy, Physics, Videos Tags , , , ,

Solar-sintering – Markus Kayser

In a world increasingly concerned with questions of energy production and raw material shortages, this project explores the potential of desert manufacturing, where energy and material occur in abundance.

In this experiment sunlight and sand are used as raw energy and material to produce glass objects using a 3D printing process, that combines natural energy and material with high-tech production technology.

Solar-sintering aims to raise questions about the future of manufacturing and triggers dreams of the full utilisation of the production potential of the world’s most efficient energy resource – the sun. Whilst not providing definitive answers, this experiment aims to provide a point of departure for fresh thinking.

Category Art & Design, Free Energy, Physics, Videos Tags , ,

Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the Quiches

Sacred mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches 11,500 years ago and their relation to the sacred mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea and India; Freemasonry in times anterior in the Temple of Solomon. The author presents to the reader some of the historical facts that have been brought to light by deciphering bas-reliefs and mural inscriptions, by means of the ancient hieractic Maya alphabet discovered by the author. He presents only facts that can be proven by well-known ancient and modern writers and by the inscriptions carved on stone by the Mayan people.

Augustus Le Plongeon (1825–1908) was a photographer and antiquarian who studied the pre-Columbian ruins of America, particularly those of the Maya civilization on the northern Yucatán Peninsula. While his writings contain many eccentric notions that were discredited by later researchers, Le Plongeon left a lasting legacy in his photographs documenting the ancient ruins. He should also be regarded as one of the earliest proponents of Mayanism.

Le Plongeon wrote a lengthy history of Maya culture, going so far as to propose a theory that Maya had been in touch with the lost continent of Atlantis and were ancestral to Ancient Egypt, a theory which has since been discredited by the scientific community. Le Plongeon, a Freemason, was also convinced that the roots of Freemasonry were to be found in the ancient Maya culture.


Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Books & Podcasts, Esoterica Tags , , , ,

Scientists Discover the Oldest, Largest Body of Water in Existence – In Space

Around a black hole 12 billion light years away, there’s an almost unimaginable vapor cloud of water–enough to supply an entire planet’s worth of water for every person on earth, 20,000 times over.

The water is out in space, a place we used to think of as desolate and desert dry, but it’s turning out to be pretty lush.

The water is in a cloud around a huge black hole that is in the process of sucking in matter and spraying out energy (such an active black hole is called a quasar), and the waves of energy the black hole releases make water by literally knocking hydrogen and oxygen atoms together.

“It’s another demonstration that water is pervasive throughout the universe, even at the very earliest times,” says Matt Bradford, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and leader of one of the teams that made the discovery.

The NASA announcement is also a reminder how quickly our understanding of the universe is evolving and how much capacity for surprise nature still has for us. There’s water on Mars, there’s water jetting hundreds of miles into space from Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons, there are icebergs of water hidden in the polar craters of our own Moon. And now it turns out that a single quasar has the ability to manufacture galaxies full of water.


from: Fast Company

Category Astronomy, Physics

Jason Leinwand – Gallery

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Category Art & Design Tags , , ,

The Ray of Discovery – Nikola Tesla

The Ray of Discovery – Nikola Tesla from Borderland Sciences on Vimeo.

In ETHERIC PHYSICS we learn about the phenomenal discoveries which led to Tesla’s great life-work. Revealed here is his conception of the ether and its relationship with our own innermost lives. We are also informed about the pathological resistance by the House of Morgan to his discoveries. Insight into the opposition of Morgan, whose daughter fell deeply in love with Tesla, reveals the formidable forces opposing all discoverers in the field of etheric energy. ECHOES OF RADIANT SPACE recounts the way in which Tesla tapped into the vast etheric reservoirs of dynamic energies. We are told how Tesla’s large designs actually yielded far more energy than they took to run. We are, finally, driven into the astonishing revelation concerning Tesla’s involvement with what later was called psychotronics. Many of his claims are actually forerunners of a new technology — yet to be revealed.

Category Free Energy, Physics, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Mysterious Stones – Ollantaytambo, Peru “Temple of the Sun”

Above the fortified terracing in Ollantaytambo, there lies a mysterious building romantically known as the “Temple of the Sun”. These stones are unique, their straight sides and unusual spacers being in total contrast to the multi-faced joints and beveled edges of other megalithic walls in Peru.

Exactly how the stones were so perfectly shaped is unknown, since they were carved out of red porphyry, a stone as hard as granite. The great mystery of Ollantaytambo is how these six 50-ton stones were moved to their present location, since the quarry from which they came has been definitively identified at Chachicata four miles away across the valley on the opposite mountainside! Having first quarried the stones, it would be necessary to take them down a steep mountain slope, across a river, and then up another steep mountain slope to the construction site. [1]

Spanish historian Garcilaso de la Vega tells of a disaster that occurred while the Incas were transporting a large stone from a quarry to Ollantaytambo. The stone is known as ‘sayccusca rumi’ (‘tired stone’) and measures 6.2m long, 4.6m broad, and 1.1m thick. It was brought across the river but abandoned 780 yards from the ascent to the ruins. [2]

He writes:  “The historical truth, as related by the Ynca Amautas, who were the wise philosophers and doctors in the time of their idolatry, is that more than twenty thousand Indians dragged the stone with stout cables. They proceeded with great difficulty, as the road was very rough, and passed up and down many steep mountains. Half the people hauled upon the cables in front, while the other half held on behind … In one of these steep places the weight of the stone overcame the force of those who held it, and it slipped down the hill, killing three or four thousand Indians who were guiding it.

Category Archaeology Tags , , , , , ,

X-rays Expose New Species of Stingrays in Amazon

Biologists recently fished out two new species of freshwater stingray from a river in the Amazon rainforest near Iquitos, Peru. The animals have been put into a new genus – the first time this has been done for stingrays since 1987. At first glance the creatures look like nothing so much as freckled pancakes with feeble tails. But X-rays revealed an elaborate skeleton in which hundreds of slivers of cartilage fan out radially to support the fish’s floppy disc-shaped body.

from: New Scientist

Category Science Tags , , ,

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe? – National Geographic

And our universe may sit in another universe’s black hole, equations predict.

Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe.  In turn, all the black holes found so far in our universe—from the microscopic to the supermassive—may be doorways into alternate realities.

According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole. The matter the black hole attracts doesn’t collapse into a single point, as has been predicted, but rather gushes out a “white hole” at the other end of the black one, the theory goes.

In a recent paper published in the journal Physics Letters B, Indiana University physicist Nikodem Poplawski presents new mathematical models of the spiraling motion of matter falling into a black hole. His equations suggest such wormholes are viable alternatives to the “space-time singularities” that Albert Einstein predicted to be at the centers of black holes.


from: National Geographic News

Category Astronomy, Physics Tags , , ,

The Bubbleologist

In episode two of The Code (BBC), bubbleologist Tom Noddy shows Marcus du Sautoy how bubbles form the most efficient shapes and how these change the more bubbles are joined together.

Category Physics, Sacred Geometry, Videos Tags , , ,