
HAARP Weather Modification – Holes In Heaven Documentary

I believe this film was originally made in 1998 and the quality is poor but I’ve decided to re-post it as its still completely relevant today and important to be aware that such technology is in use despite all the controversy.

Science is but a perversion of itself, unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.

– Nikola Tesla 1929

Are we making Holes in Heaven? HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter, or “ioniospheric heater,” which is believed to be descended from the works of Nikola Tesla and is operated by the U.S. Navy/Air Force and Phillip Laboratories in remote Gakona, Alaska.

Using HAARP, the military can focus a billion-watt pulsed radio beam into our upper atmosphere, ostensibly for ionospheric research. This procedure will form extremely low frequency waves and send them back to the Earth, enhancing communications with submarines and allowing us to “see” into the Earth, detecting anything from oil reserves to underground missile silos.

However, several researchers claim HAARP poses many dangers, including blowing thirty-mile holes in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. They also warn of possible disruption of the subtle magnetic energies of our Earth and ourselves.

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The World as a Hologram Lecture – Leonard Susskind

Leonard Susskind of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructability of information and the nature of black holes in a lecture entitled The World As Hologram.

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PenaBranca – Gallery

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Intuition: Delusion or Perception? Toward a Scientific Explanation of the Akashic Experience

Interesting article on the holographic nature of mind by twice-nominated Nobel Peace Prize candidate Ervin Laszlo. Excerpts and full article link below.


The intuitions reported by mystics, poets, artists, ordinary people, even scientists, often go beyond the range of sensory perception. In the reductionist culture inspired by classical science, they are dismissed as mere delusion – classical empiricism claims that there is nothing in the mind that was not first in the eye. However, the classical tenet is not universally upheld. It is exceptional in the annals of history, and even in the context of contemporary cultures.In history intuitions were embedded in the conceptual framework through which a given culture interpreted the nature of reality. In indigenous societies shamans and medicine-men (and women) tuned themselves to spontaneous apprehension through rigorous initiation and training; they derived their mystical vision from them. In mythically oriented societies the world was seen as a cosmic realm of spirits, and in classical cultures it was believed to be governed by a panoply of unseen gods. […]

The Brain as a “macroscopic quantum system”
The crucial finding is the discovery that the brain is not merely a classical biochemical system; in some respects it is a “macroscopic quantum system.” […]

Cytoskeletal Structures
Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff suggest that cytoskeletal structures in the brain are responsible for the reception, computation, and transmission of multidimensional quantum-resonance-based information. […]

We have now come to the conclusion that space is the primary thing and matter only secondary; we may say that space, in revenge for its former inferior position, is now eating up matter.

– Albert Einstein

The Akashic Field
When the phase and frequency of a cerebral lattice corresponds to the phase and frequency of a quantum hologram, brain and hologram enter into phase-conjugate resonance. This allows the information conserved at the nodes of Akashic Field quantum holograms to be transferred to the cerebral receptors. Thus some of the intuitions that reach consciousness are not merely delusion: they are transmitted by phase-conjugate resonance from the Akashic Field to the cytoskeletal structures of the brain. […]

Read full article: New Dawn Magazine

Category Consciousness, Science Tags , , , ,

Mysterious Vitrified Stonework – Peru

Vitrified stones are stones that have been melted to a point where they form a glass or glaze.

Christopher Jordan has done some interesting investigations into ancient solar technologies at Secrets of the Sun Sects and has authored a paper with Ancient Mysteries Explained editor Jan Peter De Jong. Available Below.

Download PDF – Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Incan Vestiges of Peru

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Videos Tags , , , , , , , ,

Is Our Sun In a Binary Star System?

A leap of cosmic proportions, Walter Cruttenden gave up his life in the financial world to research the possibility that our Sun might be part of a binary star system. As well as his ground breaking work at the Binary Research Institute, Walter has produced a documentary called The Great Year, the period of time it takes the equinox to traverse through all twelve constellations of the zodiac (precession of the equinox), or one binary orbit. Narrated by James Earl Jones, the film includes interviews with archaeologists, professors of history and astronomy, and other experts all describing facets of the Great Year or the possibility of a binary motion.

This is the story of The Great Year and new scientific evidence to support it. Recent solar system studies seem to indicate that precession is indeed caused by a curving motion of our sun through space. While not yet widely accepted, if true it a startling finding confirming the wisdom of the ancients.

Further research investigating a possible Sun-Sirius binary system.

Category Archaeology, Astronomy, Physics, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Louise Despont – Gallery

Louise Despont was born in 1983 in New York City. She received her BA in Art Semiotics at
Brown University in 2006.

I have a particular interest in cosmologies – esoteric as well as metaphysical – and am drawn to such works

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Pyramids and Rewriting History – Dr. Sam Osmanagich

Dr. Semir Osmanagich the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids is elaborating on his discovery and it’s implications on science, history and our entire understanding of nature and who we are. Below the Bosnian valley of the pyramids is a huge network of tunnels and chambers which has been confirmed artificial by several scientific institutions. At present day large parties of geologists, geophysics and archaeologists from Bosnia, Russia, Poland, Germany, France, Italy and Egypt as well as scientists from other countries are involved in this project. A staggering 340,000 man hours of digging and analyzing have yielded much new and astonishing data. Some of the research and studies, done by a couple of different universities, are suggesting that the site was constructed over 30.000 years ago.

Category Archaeology Tags , , , ,

IBEX Spacecraft Measures ‘alien’ Particles from Outside Solar System

NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, spacecraft has made it possible for scientists to construct the first comprehensive sky map of our solar system and its location in the Milky Way galaxy. The new view will change the way researchers view and study the interaction between our galaxy and sun.

Using data from IBEX, an international team of researchers has measured neutral “alien” particles entering our solar system from interstellar space. A suite of studies published in the Astrophysical Journal provide a first look at the constituents of the interstellar medium, the matter between star systems, and how they interact with our heliosphere.

Category Astronomy, Videos Tags , , , ,

New Foreign Accent Syndrome Case – Evidence of Holographic Brain Scrambling?

Birmingham-born Debie Royston has never been to France but now speaks with a bizarre Gallic twang after suffering a series of seizures. Debie, 40, was unable to speak at all for a month but when her voice returned it had changed.

She said: “I had a bad seizure and when it stopped my mouth wouldn’t work. Over the next month, I had to learn to speak again. But when I did, I heard a different sound, not my Brummie accent. I sounded French but I’ve never even been there. People say to me, ‘Where are you from?’ and when I say ‘Birmingham’ they say, ‘No, you’re French’.”

Debie is one of 60 people worldwide who suffer from foreign accent syndrome. Prof Nick Miller, a Newcastle University speech disorders expert who diagnosed Debie a year ago, said the cause of her condition is not clear.

He said: “She appears to have suffered seizures, but other factors may be present. For most, sounding foreign is a temporary phase of days, weeks or months… The number left with a permanent foreign accent is relatively few.”

from: The Mirror

Comment from Space Weather researcher Susan Joy Rennison:
This is yet another example…. I am now more confident that this is a neurological disorder caused by the holographic brain being scrambled due to a chaotic electromagnetic environment. This has happened before on this planet and recorded in ancient texts in stories concerning the confusion of languages…. Other examples include a Serbian boy who woke up thinking and speaking fluent English overnight.  You simply cannot have the Earth’s magnetosphere and cosmic shielding breaking down and there be no consequences

Category Astronomy, Medicine, Science Tags , ,

Addressing Climate Change With Indigenous Knowledge – National Geographic

Traditional knowledge must be an integral part of the global climate discourse

One important sign of the indigenous peoples being largely absent from the climate change policy and decision-making processes is the virtual lack of references to the existing traditional knowledge on climate change in the global, national, and local climate change discussions. To date, valuable insights held by indigenous peoples worldwide about direct and indirect impacts of, as well as mitigation and adaptation approaches to climate change, remain largely unrecognized. This is particularly apparent in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) Assessment Reports released every few years.

Bridging the gaps between traditional knowledge and climate science

To fill-in the gaps in available information on traditional knowledge (TK) and climate change adaptation and mitigation, and to promote respect for TK and the role of indigenous peoples in policy development, a partnership has been formed between the United Nations University-Institute for Advanced Studies’ Traditional Knowledge Initiative and the IPCC. Building on the UNU-IAS TKI’s previous work the partners have been working together to organize a series of workshops that would enable the expertise of indigenous and traditional peoples with climate change become an integral part of the next IPCC Assessment Report widely available to the global community. […]

from: National Geographic

Category Anthropology, Science, Shamanism Tags , ,

Qorikancha – Mysteries of the Golden Temple – Cuzco, Peru

Qorikancha (from the Quechua words Quri Kancha meaning “Golden Temple”), originally named Inti Kancha (“Temple of the Sun”) or Inti Wasi (“Sun House”), was the most important temple in the Inca Empire, dedicated primarily to Inti, the Sun God. It was one of the most revered temples of the capital city of Cusco.

The walls and floors were once covered in sheets of solid gold, and its adjacent courtyard was filled with golden statues. Spanish reports tell of its opulence that was “fabulous beyond belief”. When the Spanish required the Inca to raise a ransom in gold for the life of the leader Atahualpa, most of the gold was collected from Coricancha.

The Spanish colonists built the Church of Santo Domingo on the site, demolishing the temple and using its foundations for the cathedral. Construction took most of a century. This is one of numerous sites where the Spanish incorporated Inca stonework into the structure of a colonial building. Major earthquakes severely damaged the church, but the Inca stone walls, built out of huge, tightly-interlocking blocks of stone, still stand due to their sophisticated stone masonry.

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