
More Blasts From the Sun, March 9-10

Just shared by Nassim Haramein > Hang on some more from the Sun!
Category Astronomy Tags , , , , ,

Walter Russell – “The Leonardo Da Vinci of our time”

Walter Russell presented to the world new theories such as the fundamental principles of energy dynamics, the nature of matter and the progression of the evolution of matter, and the depiction of the universe as a continuously changing, creating effort sustained by the systematic work effort of the energy of light which all matter is composed. His depictions of universal laws was expansive enough to be considered a complete nonstandard cosmology.

In 1941, the American Academy of Sciences conferred a doctorate on him, after several laboratories had isolated the elements which he had foreseen: Deuterium, Tritium, Neptunium and Plutonium. We are basically dealing with a person who had advanced understanding, but was pooh-poohed away because he was not a learned man according to mainstream science/academics. That Russell’s Periodic Table of Elements was musical, spiral/vortical in nature, leads to obvious connections with Viktor Schauberger.

In the fall of 1959, members from NORAD attended a meeting where Russell explained the workings of a device he proposed to build to take advantage of the vacuum state energy, and the two directional movement of energy from gravitation to radiation. During the following year Russell, his wife, Lao, and their assistants built the device. The prototype that was built consisted of two sets of dual and magnetically-sexed coils. On September 10, 1961, Walter and Lao Russell reported to their contacts at NORAD,that the coils had worked and that the President of the United States could announce to the world that a “greater, safer power than atomic energy” could be provided for industry and transportation. […]

Although the exact time and occasion of their meeting has not yet been determined, Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell did meet and discuss their respective cosmologies. Tesla recognized the wisdom and power of Russells’ teaching and urged Russell to lock up his knowledge in a safe for 1,000 years until man was ready for it.

For more info: Pure Energy Systems

Category Free Energy, Military and Govt. Ops, Mystics, Sacred Geometry, Science Tags , , , , , ,

Energy Invention Suppression – The Truth Behind the Energy Lie

If a civilization truly wishes to consider itself civilized, it must embrace all technological and scientific advances. The suppression of any technological advance, can not be tolerated if we wish to be a ‘civil’ization. we must ask ourselves if we are working for the benefit of all mankind, or working for the benefit of a few businessman and politicians. The fact that we are unnecessarily poisoning our planet, our home, when their are numerous solutions, raises several questions as to why these technologies are being suppressed. The root of the problem is almost entirely one thing, greed. We as a society can no longer focus our entire efforts into what is profitable, because what is profitable is not always right, and what is right is not always profitable.

Contains a 7-part movie covering various inventors and suppressed inventions. such as, Nikola Tesla, Marco Rodin, Stan Meyer, Water powered cars(HHO gas) water, dirt, and air batteries, “kelvins thunderstorm”, Stirling engines, the “n-machine”, and several others, well worth watching, even if you know a lot about “free energy” you may learn something you didn’t know.

Category Free Energy, Military and Govt. Ops, Videos Tags , , ,

Fredrik Söderberg – Gallery

From the Artist’s Statement:

My artistic activity is founded in painting. During the past years I have explored art’s connections to the occult world and to different esoteric traditions. Religion, religious experiences and meditation are important parts of my artistic work and of my life. My images are often based on existing images within the esoteric and mystical traditions and can be seen as a map-making of their symbols and archetypes. The metamorphosis and the generation of new meanings that takes place during the work process can be likened to a magical and alchemical work. I’m interested in re-organising and further developing these image-worlds and placing them in a contemporary context.

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Category Art & Design, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , , ,

Solar flares, a primer – powerful x class flares March 6-7

Solar flares are classified according to their strength. The smallest ones are B-class, followed by C, M and X, the largest. A powerful X-class flare can create long lasting radiation storms, which can harm satellites, communications systems, and even ground-based technologies and power grids.

…. the United States, Europe, and other technologically advanced societies are currently not prepared to significantly mitigate the effects of, or effectively recover from, the potentially drastic consequences of a ‘big one’

–Steve Tracton, Washington Post


Category Astronomy, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Hackers group Anonymous take down Vatican website

The Italian branch of the hackers group Anonymous took down the Vatican’s website on Wednesday, saying it was an attack on the Roman Catholic Church’s scandals and conservative doctrine.

The Vatican website was inaccessible. A spokesman said he could not confirm that the crash was the work of the hackers group but said technicians were working to bring it back up.

A statement on the Italian website of the loosely-knit cyber-activists group accused the Church of being responsible for a long list of misdeeds throughout history, including the selling of indulgences in the 16th century and burning heretics during the Inquisition.

Today, Anonymous has decided to put your site under siege in response to your doctrine, liturgy and the absurd and anachronistic rules that your profit-making organisation spreads around the world

It also accused the Vatican of being “retrograde” in its interfering in Italian domestic affairs “daily.” Anonymous, along with another group LulzSec, has taken credit for a number of high-profile hacking actions against companies and institutions, including the CIA.


Category Military and Govt. Ops Tags , ,

Vatican Reveals a Selection of Historic Documents From its Secret Archives

Galileo’s retraction of his theories and the excommunication of Martin Luther are among the closely guarded documents that the Vatican has put on display to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the establishment of its archives at its current location in Rome.

The Holy See on Wednesday opened an exhibition of 100 documents — a tiny fraction of its archives — in Rome’s Capitoline Museums. The exhibit is entitled “Lux in Arcana: The Vatican Secret Archives Reveals itself.”

It is the first, and possibly the only time, the documents will be seen outside the Vatican walls, according to the exhibition’s website. […]


Category Art & Design, Books & Podcasts, Videos Tags , , , ,

Does Memory Reside Outside the Brain? – Morphogenetic Field

After decades of investigation, scientists are still unable to explain why no part of the brain seems responsible for storing memories.

Most people assume that our memories must exist somewhere inside our heads. But try as they might, medical investigators have been unable to determine which cerebral region actually stores what we remember. Could it be that our memories actually dwell in a space outside our physical structure?

Biologist, author, and investigator Dr.Rupert Sheldrake notes that the search for the mind has gone in two opposite directions.

While a majority of scientists have been searching inside the skull, he looks outside.

According to Sheldrake, author of numerous scientific books and articles, memory does not reside in any geographic region of the cerebrum, but instead in a kind of field surrounding and permeating the brain. Meanwhile, the brain itself acts as a “decoder” for the flux of information produced by the interaction of each person with their environment.

In his paper “Mind, Memory, and Archetype Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious” published in the journal Psychological Perspectives, Sheldrake likens the brain to a TV set—drawing an analogy to explain how the mind and brain interact […]

Read More: Epoch Times

Category Consciousness, Science Tags , , , , ,

Incredibly Mysterious Artifacts Revealed – Mayan? UFOs? Authentic?

A recent batch of astonishing archaeological artifacts from Central America has recently surfaced on Youtube and is causing quite the stir.  As of now, there still seems to be very little information available on the complete origin and authenticity of these artifacts but I imagine we’ll be hearing a lot more on the subject in coming months.  If these artifacts can be appropriately authenticated, we might be looking at one of the most profound discoveries in recent history.

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I first witnessed a handful of these images in Spring 2011 and understood that there were quite a few artifacts involved and that further investigation was taking place before an official announcement was to be made.  Perhaps this is the next wave of unofficial reporting. There does seem to be some internet chatter that this might be related to the Mayan documentary slated for release this year showing ‘evidence’ of alien contact in ancient Mexico.

The documentary is believed to focus in part on previously unexplored sections of a Mayan site at Calakmul, Mexico, as well as a number of sites in Guatemala, where officials are also backing the documentary.

Stay tuned for further updates as the mystery unfolds.

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism, UFOs Tags , , , ,

Unmistaken Child – The Reincarnation of a Tibetan Lama

The Buddhist concept of reincarnation, while both mysterious and enchanting, is hard for most westerners to grasp. Unmistaken Child follows the 4-year search for the reincarnation of Lama Konchog, a world-renowned Tibetan master who passed away in 2001 at age 84.

The Dalai Lama charges the deceased monk’s devoted disciple, Tenzin Zopa (who had been in his service since the age of seven), to search for his master’s reincarnation. Tenzin sets off on this unforgettable quest on foot, mule and even helicopter, through breathtaking landscapes and remote traditional Tibetan villages.

Along the way Tenzin listens to stories about young children with special characteristics, and performs rarely seen ritualistic tests designed to determine the likelihood of reincarnation. He eventually presents the child he believes to be his reincarnated master to the Dalai Lama so that he can make the final decision.

Stunningly shot, Unmistaken Child is a beguiling, surprising, touching, even humorous experience.

Category Anthropology, Consciousness, Videos Tags , , , ,

The Visionary Mandala Paintings of A.T. Mann – Gallery

A.T. Mann is a creative practitioner, architect, documentary film producer, teacher, author and artist, and an award-winning, professional astrologer and Tarot reader since 1972. He received a five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree from Cornell University and worked as an award-winning architectural designer for major firms in New York City and Rome, Italy.  A.T.’s 14 books have been translated into 20 different languages, covering a very wide range of subjects.

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Category Art & Design, Mystics, Sacred Geometry, Symbolism Tags , , , ,

Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval on the Great Sphinx and Pyramids – Monuments to Life

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, authors of the best selling book The Sphinx Mystery, present startling evidence from our ancient past that could revolutionize how we see ourselves and our future. If their findings are correct, the implications for our planet are hard to comprehend, let alone predict. In part one of this program Graham Hancock offers thorough, compelling arguments exposing connections between the Great Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the Mexican pyramids of the sun and moon, the lost continent that lies beneath Antarctica, astral navigation, the ancient sites at Giza, and the interpretations of Egyptian pyramid texts. In Part Two Robert Bauval offers thorough, compelling arguments which have split the academic world. Why did the Egyptians really build the pyramids? What lies inside the Great Pyramid’s hidden chambers? And what awesome secret, unseen for 4,500 years, could be concealed there?

Category Anthropology, Archaeology, Symbolism, Videos Tags , , , , , ,