
Bruce Lipton, PhD on Fractal Wisdom and Epigenetics

International best-selling author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., is a former medical school professor at the University of Wisconsin and research scientist at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He is a pioneer in the revolutionary field of epigenetics, the new science of how environment, perceptions, and beliefs can affect genes.

Category Chemistry, Consciousness, Medicine, Science, Videos Tags , , , ,

Ed Leedskalnin and Coral Castle hosted by Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy hosts the short documentary about Ed Leedskalnin and Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida. For a comprehensive overview on the magnetic currents and writings of Mr. Leedskalnin, visit

Category Free Energy, Mystics, Physics, Videos Tags , , , , ,

Fukushima fuel pools – greatest short-term threat to humanity

A few excerpts from an incredibly informative and alarming article regarding the potential dangers surrounding Fukushima reactor #4. Much of this information is still flying under the radar.  Awareness and preventative measures towards nuclear energy are crucial at this time.


Japan’s former Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Mitsuhei Murata, stated that if the crippled building of reactor unit 4—with 1,535 fuel rods in the spent fuel pool 100 feet above the ground—collapses, not only will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel rods, located some 50 meters from reactor 4. In both cases the radioactive rods are not protected by a containment vessel; dangerously, they are open to the air. This would certainly cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced […]

In Ambassador Murata’s letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, it was stated that we should bring human wisdom to tackle this unprecedented challenge.

It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor. This is confirmed by most reliable experts like Dr. Arnie Gundersen or Dr. Fumiaki Koide […]

Kevin Kamps said last month:
If that cooling water supply is lost, it will be just a few hours at most before that waste is on fire. 135 tons outside of any radioactive containment. They would be direct releases into the environment. 100% of cesium-137 could be released to the environment […]

As the eminent German physicist Dr. Hans-Peter Durr said ten months ago, if the spent fuel pool spills, we will be in a situation where science never imagined we could be […]

 From: Global Research

Category Science, Videos Tags , , , ,

New Earth Rising

Category Art & Design, Esoterica, Symbolism Tags , , ,

Friedrich Nietszche

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Category Mystics, Quotes Tags ,

Hunab Ku – Mayan Galactic Center

“Our modern day astrophysicists and astronomers, with all their sophisticated scientific instruments, are not the only humans that have wondered what may exist at the center of our galaxy. The superb astronomers and mathematicians of the ancient Mayan civilization, also pondered this question. The Mayans knew where in the sky the exact center of the galaxy was located and they even had a glyph representing it which is now named Hunab Ku ; it was known to the Mayans as The Galactic Butterfly. Their entire cosmology and extremely accurate calendars were based on the existence and location of Hunab Ku and they deeply believed that the future of mankind ultimately depends on what occurs there.”  – John Ennis

Hunab Ku was, to the Mayans, the supreme God and ultimate Creator and was located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It represented the gateway to other galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this, our own galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayans, is also the consciousness which organized all matter from a whirling disk – into stars, planets and solar systems. Hunab Ku is the Mother Womb which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and planet Earth as well as the other planets found in our solar system. They also believed that the ultimate Creator directs everything that happens in our galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic energy bursts of consciousness.

Today, modern astronomers have indeed verified that at the center of our Milky Way galaxy is found a “whirling disk” with a “Black Hole” at its center that is both swallowing and giving birth to stars. Could the extraordinary low frequency radio wave images discovered coming from the center of our Milky Way galaxy be programmed bursts of energy consciousness coming from the ultimate Creator… and actually be a modern manifestation of what the ancient Mayans believed? […]

From: Sun-Nation

Category Anthropology, Astronomy, Shamanism, Symbolism Tags , , , , , , , ,

Nassim Haramein

The vacuum directs reality and reality portrays the structure of the vacuum.

Category Mystics, Nassim Haramein, Quotes Tags , ,

Recent UFO footage over Las Vegas Blvd.

This is certainly one of the more interesting cases of dancing sky orbs to hit the web in recent months.  With so many well-done hoaxes out there, I rarely post UFO videos but I thought this one was worth sharing.  Even if your mind isn’t open to such things, I’m sure you will at least get a kick out of the humorous dialogue that transpires here.

Category UFOs, Videos Tags , ,

CNN Loses Half Its Audience: March 2011 – March 2012

A NEW REPORT shows viewers are leaving the mainstream media by the droves. According to statistics CNN is loosing 50 percent of its total viewers leading the list of losers in the media. So it looks like people are turning elsewhere to get there news.

As TVNewser‘s Chris Ariens reported today: “CNN bore the brunt of the downward trend the news networks experienced this month and for much of the first quarter, when compared to the busy first few months of 2011.

“For the month of March, CNN was down -50% in total viewers and down -60% in A25-54 viewers (Total Day).”

From: exohuman

Category Uncategorized, Videos Tags , , ,

Keshe Foundation to present ground-breaking gravitational space technology on 4/21/2012

The purpose of this exclusive presentation is the introduction of the Keshe Foundation gravitational space technology to the international space agencies and governments. The Foundation is and will stay a neutral organisation without ties to any government.

Quote from founder Mr. Keshe (3/16/2012):
We gave our knowledge in space programs free of charge and as a gift to Iranian scientists. Thus this will be the same for the rest. We do not and shall not sell our technology to the officials, governments and space agencies whom attend the meeting, but the technology will be given as a gift to them as part of our belief in the mans equality in knowledge share.

This time around there will be no one nation in space, but all together and in one move. How each entity commercialises their part of new knowledge from us to increase their research then this will be in the hand of each government and organisation.

Our space technology will be a gift to your nations and not a sale. We have asked for public to be there that this time the technology will not be shelved, but in open to be used for the good of all men, irrespective of nations and religions. We will invite ISA, NASA as ESA and this time we will work in one direction and not whom will be the super-power.

Today is the first day of the spring and a new beginning for mankind and this will be the way we have set our goal. New beginning, New ethos and new Science for this era. In this meeting African nations will have the same opportunity in developing their space program as Iran, USA and Russia will have. Whom does not attend will be their loss and shame on their arrogance.

As I said in my recent talks in Holland, Can you pay dollars or gold to beings in space, whom we will encounter soon. Monitory values of the man will be gift of man for the earth living and in space we will work and support each other as one planet and no payment. There are no McDonald’s and no bread shops to buy food from in space. The Keshe Foundation has done all its work to take the man into space independent of the earth resources and now we are ready to share the whole knowledge with the whole of mankind. No patent no peer-review control, all our knowledge is for all nations and all men.

Welcome the true world of the humanity and the ethos of the Keshe Foundation of once of mankind.

Category Free Energy, Military and Govt. Ops, Physics, Science Tags , , , , ,

Alexander Putney book & interview on ancient sites, artifacts, and knowledge + free PHI download

Highly recommended is Alexander Putney’s first book PHI which discusses the idea of Giza as a fulcrum point for global resonance in relation to the function and alignment of many of the world’s sacred sites. Features many breathtaking South American discoveries which defy modern logic and point towards extremely advanced knowledge from ages ago.  Fans of Klaus Dona are sure to be familiar with this curious collection of over 300 metal, stone and ceramic artifacts found at La Maná, Ecuador.
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Alex Putney who is behind joins Red Ice Radio to discuss his work and theories on standing waves, geometrical relationship between ancient monuments, pyramids, sacred sites, magnetic resonance, Earth’s chakras points, changing energies, 2012, acoustic levitation, Tesla, electrum water, black light and the strange objects found at La Maná in Ecuador that are UV fluorescent.

Category Archaeology, Books & Podcasts, Sacred Geometry, Videos Tags , , , , , ,

Butterfly Wing Colors Come From Space-Age Structures

Some butterflies get their fabulous colors from light refracted through membrane shapes that were first discovered by mathematicians and applied in space-age material science. Using microscopes with three-dimensional nanoscale resolution, Yale University researchers found that shades of green in the wings of five butterfly species are produced by crystalline structures called gyroids.

The gyroid shape was conceived in 1970 by NASA physicist Alan Schoen in his theoretical search for ultra-light, ultra-strong materials for use in space. The new study describing the shape in butterflies is in the June 15 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Gyroids have what’s known as an “infinitely connected triply periodic minimal surface”: For a given set of boundaries, they have the smallest possible surface area. The principle can be illustrated in soap film on a wireframe. Unlike soap film, however, the planes of a gyroid’s surface never intersect. As mathematicians showed in the decades following Schoen’s discovery, gyroids also contain no straight lines, and can never be divided into symmetrical parts. Yet even as mathematicians speculated on the nature of gyroids, entomologists found them in nature, at least in two dimensions. Microscopic images of butterfly wings showed that the surface of some scales, and how those scales reflected light, matched the predictions of gyroid math.


Category Science Tags , , , , , ,