NASA Announces ‘Forbidden Zones’ On Moon

Although the space agency claims the purpose of the No-Fly Zones are to preserve and protect the historic landing sites of the Apollo astronauts, some question why the zones happen to include regions where heavy attention has been focused—areas where purported alien technology is lying scattered across the lunar soil.

A portion of the NASA statement declares: Apollo 11 and 17 sites [shall] remain off-limits… Despite the pronouncement, international attorneys do not believe the space agency has the authority to enforce such a proclamation, nor claim any regions offbounds by nature of “U.S. government property on the moon.” They argue that the United Nations 1967 Outer Space Treaty takes precedence and that no nation can lay claim to any portion of the Moon.

Despite that, NASA is desperate other countries will abide by its announcement—after all, more than 40 years of cover-up is at stake as well as the reputation and future funding of the currently beleagured agency.

A Japanese lunar space probe uncovered astounding evidence of the alleged base that exists on the far side of the Moon. Some insiders swear that America has a secret military base on the Moon and present evidence to support their charge.

Meanwhile, some NASA insiders have blown the whistle on the space agency and claim they have personally seen photographs and other evidence of artifacts, machinery—even cities—documented by robot and manned space mission from both the U.S. and former Soviet Union.

from: Before It’s News

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