CERN’s LHC: “Parallel Universes Could be Hidden Within the Four Dimensions”

“The multiverse is no longer a model, it is a consequence of our models.” ~Aurelien Barrau, particle physicist at CERN

Physicists probing the origins of the cosmos at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider hope that next year they will turn up the first proofs of the existence of concepts once reserved for the scifi world. Despite centuries of increasingly sophisticated observation from planet Earth, only 4 per cent of that universe is known — because the rest is made up of what have been called, because they are invisible, dark matter and dark energy.

Billions of particles flying off from each LHC collision are tracked at four CERN detectors — and then in collaborating laboratories around the globe — to establish when and how they come together and what shapes they take.

The CERN theoreticians say this could give clear signs of dimensions beyond length, breadth, depth and time because at such high energy particles could be tracked disappearing — presumably into them — and then back into the classical four. Parallel universes could also be hidden within these dimensions, the thinking goes, but only in a so-called gravitational variety in which light cannot be propagated — a fact which would make it nearly impossible to explore them.

As the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva moves rapidly into high gear this year and beyond, they are talking increasingly of the “New Physics” on the horizon that could totally change current views of the Universe and how it works. Several of the world’s leading cosmologists believe that we are but one of many universes. As yet, as we know, there is no evidence of there being other universes out there. Some versions of this theory suggest that there is at least one other universe very close to our own, separated perhaps by a membrane as little as a millimeter away, which, if true, could be detectable by some energy or forces such as gravity leaking through.

In fact, as predicted by brane theorists, this “leakage” could be responsible for the production of dark energy from a parallel universe, its influence felt in our own through its gravitational pull. While it hasn’t been proven yet, many highly respected and credible scientists are now saying there’s reason to believe that parallel dimensions could very well be more than figments of our imaginations.

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