Category Archives: Shamanism

Terence McKenna & Nicole Maxwell: Amazonian Shamanism

Nicole the explorer swaps tales with mercury-minded Terence. The 7 1/2 hour tape set captures the humorous depth of this pair’s expertise in a compilation of the full weekend, including Terence’s rhapsodic overview of shamanism as the key for responding… Continue reading

Category Anthropology, Books & Podcasts, Metascience, Shamanism Tags , , ,

The Doors of Perception – Online PDF

The Doors of Perception is a 1954 book by Aldous Huxley detailing his experiences when taking mescaline. This short book is considered to be one of the most profound studies of the effects of mind-expanding drugs and what they teach… Continue reading

Category Books & Podcasts, Consciousness, Shamanism Tags , , , ,

The Cosmic Serpent

The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge is a 1995 non-fiction book by Jeremy Narby. Narby performed two years of field work in the Pichis Valley of thePeruvian Amazon researching the ecology of the Asháninka, an indigenous peoples… Continue reading

Category Books & Podcasts, Chemistry, Consciousness, Shamanism Tags , , , ,